BSNL Broadband FTTH

High speed Internet Kerala

Internet Service Provider in Kerala

BSNL Broadband FTTH with speed upto 1 Gbps

High speed Internet Kerala 100 Mbps

Internet Service Provider in Kerala


As per the provisions contained in Section 5(1) and Section5(2) of the " Right to Information Act 2005 ", the competent authority in BSNL has designated various executives as Central Assistant Public Information Officers (CAPIOs), Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) in the Circle Headquarters/SSAs (Telecom Districts)/ Other Units of Kerala Telecom Circle for the convenience of the general public and quick disposal of the RTI applications/ appeals. Accordingly, the CPIOs concerned will process the RTI applications and furnish the information to the applicants, as per the provisions of the Act. Any citizen of India, who desires to obtain any information under this Act from BSNL, Kerala Circle may address his application to the concerned Central Public Information Officer of Kerala Circle specifying the particulars of the information sought by him or her.

The application shall be considered for providing desired information only if the application is accompanied by application fee of Rs. 10/-. The application fee required for obtaining the information can be remitted through any of the following modes only.

  1. By cash at the cash counters of BSNL where money receipt would be issued against the cash deposit
  2. As IPO (Indian Postal Order) /DD (Demand Draft) drawn in favour of "The Accounts Officer (Cash), BSNL".

Click here for details of CAPIOs/CPIOs /FAAs of Kerala Telecom Circle.

Click here for Information Manual (Persuant to Section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act 2005) of BSNL.

Click here for the latest monthly report on RTI implementaion in Kerala Telecom Circle.